London Plus June newsletter

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Happy Volunteers Week! Find out how you can nominate your outstanding volunteers for the Mayor of London’s Volunteering Awards. Try the new London Plus tool to work out the probability of someone volunteering. Do volunteers in London reflect the diversity of the city? Plus learn about more funding opportunities and sector news.

Latest from London Plus

How diverse are volunteers in London?

The mayor’s strategy for social integration, highlighted the power of volunteering and civic action in bringing people from different backgrounds together. But do volunteers in London reflect the diversity of the city? The GLA commissioned London Plus to look into whether volunteers in London reflect the diversity of the city.

In our latest blog we’ve highlighted the key findings from our research. We have also created a new tool so that you can see the probability that a person volunteers based on a combination of characteristics.

Consortia Learning

In partnership with DAC Beachcroft we delivered the first of a series of learning events focused on Consortia Development. Read about the challenges we explored in developing sound governance arrangements.


Digital Maturity: State of the charity sector

18 June, 18.00 – 21.00, Oracle City Office
A great opportunity to gain insight into where the charity sector is and where it’s going in relation to digital maturity. There will be expert speakers from NCVO, Zoe Amar Digital and Innovation Unboxed plus practical workshops and an opportunity to network. You can find out more about it on meetup.


Small Charity Week 2019

Small Charity Week (17th – 22nd June) provides free initiatives, competitions and support over six days for charities or local community organisations with an annual turnover under £1 million. Take a look at their website to see what events are taking place and how you can get involved.

Community Links Bromley (CLB) 

With the announcement of his retirement, Colin Maclean will be leaving Community Links Bromley (CLB) later this year. The recruitment for a new Chief Executive has started. You can read and download the recruitment pack here.

Mayor of London’s Volunteering Awards

The annual Mayor of London’s Volunteering Awards celebrate the individuals, teams and corporate volunteers who are making outstanding contributions to their communities.

Awards are presented across a range of categories and are awarded to both individuals and groups of volunteers.  Find out more about how you can nominate those volunteers who always go above and beyond and deserve a special recognition. The closing date for nominations is midday on Friday 26 July 2019.


Calling all Volunteer Centres

We have a small grant of £130 per borough for Volunteer Centres to help us to promote the awards through your networks. If you are able to help us with this please could you please fill in the following form:

We’re keen to get going with promoting the awards more widely, so if you could fill in the form by next Wednesday 12 June to confirm if you’d like to be involved that would be great.

Lawrence Atwell’s Charity

Do you support NEET young people into employment? Grants of up to £10,000 per-annum are available to charities running projects that support disadvantaged young people, to help them move into meaningful work. Awards for three years of funding are open to consideration.

A final note…

Happy Volunteers Week!

To the 63% of Londoners who volunteer* happy volunteers week! All of your time and support makes London a better place for us to all live and work in. We hope that  you all enjoy the many celebrations going on this week.

From the team at London Plus

*This figure is from 2016-2017 and includes formal and informal volunteering. You can find out more about this in our Londoner’s civic participation analysis. 

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