London Plus August Newsletter

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What we are up to

We are excited to announce that at the recent GLV AGM and networking event held on the 19th of July, we announced our new name ‘London Plus’.

Our next task is to launch a new website and brand, but in the meantime, we will be using the GLV website and associated brand to post news and updates of our progress.

Please click the link to head over there and find out more information about London Plus and see our blog post about Londoner’s civil society participation which is based on data from the community life survey.

Data Support survey

Greater London Authority are working with us to explore the ways we can support Civil Society in developing their data capacity. If you have ideas about how we could support you best, please fill in our very short Data Support Survey. We will be using responses to this survey to design training fit for Civil Society organisations in London.

Skilled volunteering

Another area which the team are focusing on is skilled volunteering. We are currently in the process of developing an online knowledge-sharing resource on finance volunteering. The intention is to showcase current good practice and to create a resource that can link both organisations and individuals to access the relevant support organisations across London.

We will be developing this in partnership with key stakeholder organisations and we are planning for an event to share the resource with some associated training/networking.

If you have a case story that you would like profiled or a project that you would like the resource to link to please get in touch. The deadline for this is Friday 7th September.

Events and Training

Team London

Whether you are an experienced trustee, looking to become one or are a charity who has your own board of trustees Team London have a trustee workshop suitable for you:

Introduction to Trusteeship Monday 3rd September
Trustee Masterclass Tuesday 20th November
Working with trustees: Recruitment and Diversity Early 2019

To find out more please click here to find out more and to book a place.

Centre for London

Monday 3rd September, 18.00-20.30, Basinghall Suite, Guildhall, EC2V 7HH

Centre for London invite you to join them at the launch of their new report More, Better, Together: A strategic review of giving in London. This free event is open to all. Please click to find out more and save your place.

Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI)

FSI provides free and heavily subsidised training and advice for small charities. They have a series of webinars and training events in London coming up. We’ve put a few in the table below, but please click here to find the full list and book a place.

Developing your fundraising strategy webinar Wednesday 29th August
Fundraising from trusts and foundations Wednesday 12th September
Creating and delivering a successful crowdfunding campaign Thursday 20th September


Digital datastore – office hours launch

The London Datastore holds 700 datasets about London. To make this information more accessible the GLA are launching digital datastore office hours.  Email any questions or queries about London’s data to and the GLA will respond, signpost and support you to find what you need. The online office hours will take place on the 2nd and 4th Friday every month. Requests can be sent in at any time.

NCVO – The civil society strategy

The government released their civil society strategy this week. The NCVO have summarised some of the key themes and announcements, in a recent blog.

Trust for London

Trust for London and NatCen have published a new report ‘What Britain thinks: Comparing views across London and other regions”. Find the report and a summary of key findings here.


Reyooz is an organisation which donates unwanted furniture and resources from large companies to charities, schools and start-up businesses. The furniture is entirely free, however, you will be subject to a delivery charge. Find out more here.

Amazon Smile

Amazon has launched Amazon Smile a new programme which will see Amazon donating 0.5% of a customer’s purchase price to a charity of their choice. You can find out how to register your charity here.

London Plus Contacts

With the new team in place, here’s a quick handy guide to who’s who and how to get in touch with us at London Plus…

Margaret Cooney, CEO,– Margaret is continuing to lead on the set-up of London Plus, build partnerships with civil society organisations across London and is developing the strategy and priority areas of focus for our work.

Emily Coatham, London Plus coordinator,– Emily is the main person to speak to regarding the newsletter, finances and all things operational.

Leah Whittingham, Networks Partner, – Leah will be supporting the development and coordination of networks and forums, both via existing networks and through the development of new alliances.

 Natasha Codiroli Mcmaster,– Natasha will be taking a lead in developing a data and research agenda for London’s civil society with other partners. This will include identifying, collating and sharing data, as well as supporting data literacy programmes.

Discover London Plus