Employment and skills October updates

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Funding opportunities

Adult education budget

The GLA will soon be tendering a range of services for those in and out of work as part of its devolution of the Adult Education Budget (from academic year 2019/20), approximately £130 million in value. It was expected that the tender would be out this Friday, but it will now commence in the week beginning 22 October 2018 with contracts to be awarded around April 2019 for training to commence on 1 August 2019.

Jobcentre Plus: Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Work Focused Activities

The Department for Work and Pensions is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure Work Focused Activities in Jobcentre Plus Districts across England, including London. One of its aims is to simplify and reduce the time and cost involved for VCSE providers to bring their services to market. The maximum value of each contract called off the DPS will be limited to £500k. This is currently an open opportunity and tender response should be submitted via BravoSolution.

Other opportunities

MAXIMUS supply chain for AEB in London

MAXIMUS People Services are interested in bidding for the upcoming Adult Education Budget (AEB) opportunity. They’re keen to explore potential partnership opportunities with skills providers who can specifically deliver training to meet the priority sectors in the Greater London Authority. If you’re interested in partnering with MAXIMUS, please complete their short Expression of Interest (EOI), attached, to register your details. The EOI will also be available via the MAXIMUS website by Monday 15th October. Please email completed EOI forms to partners@maximusuk.co.ukThe deadline for returns of all EOIs is 5:00 p.m. Monday 12thNovember 2018.

Latest policy and research news

Skills for Londoners board

21 September 2018 saw the inaugural meeting of the Skills for Londoners Board, which advises on actions to support the Mayor’s Skills for Londoners Strategy and his skills and employment programmes, including adult education in London. Our CEO, Margaret Cooney is a member of this board and will represent the views and interests of London’s Civil Society.

A new measure of poverty from the Social Metrics Commission

The Social Metrics Commission is an independent commission set up to build a consensus on a better measure of poverty, that takes into account a “range of inescapable costs that reduce people’s spending power, and the positive impact of people’s liquid assets on alleviating immediate poverty.”

‘It’s about quality, not quantity’: a new report from the Education Select Committee on apprenticeships

The Education Select Committee has published a new report which finds that too many apprentices are not getting the high-quality training they deserve and too many people, particularly the disadvantaged, are not being given the support they need to pursue an apprenticeship and get on in life.

Next phase of Mayor’s Young Londoners Fund announced

Last month, the Mayor boosted 36 projects delivering a programme of activities for young Londoners, including those most at risk of getting caught up in crime. Almost 10,000 at-risk young Londoners to benefit from this latest announcement through 36 London schemes, including everything from theatre groups and employability training to football clubs and art sessions.

Important dates coming up

15 – 21 October – London Challenge Poverty Week 

London Challenge Poverty Week is an opportunity for you to raise your voice against poverty and show what is being done to tackle poverty across London. It aims to: increase visibility of the reality of poverty in London; encourage positive debate and discussion about poverty; show what is being done to tackle poverty & the solutions we know exist; and encourage groups and individuals to get involved in London Challenge Poverty Week by organising activities or taking part in activities organised by others.

5 November – New London Living Wage Rate announced

The new London Living Wage (currently £10.20) will be announced on Monday 5 November.

23 & 24 November – Skills London 2018

Brought to you by London First and delivered with Prospects, Skills London is the UK’s biggest jobs and careers event for 15-24-year-olds and their families taking place on 23 & 24 November 2018 at ExCeL London.

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