Data standards working group

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Equalities subgroup

In August we met with the equalities subgroup, to discuss the need for a consistent approach to the collection and recording of equalities data. It was agreed that London Plus would initiate a project with the primary aim of defining a consistent approach to capturing and recording equalities data for civil society organisations.

The first area of equalities we will focus on is data standards for deaf and disabled people. Specifically, the terminology and categories used to capture impairment groups and access needs.

Data standards for deaf and disabled people

The aim of this project is to agree on a standard for the terminology and categories used to capture impairment groups and access needs. Ultimately, we envisage that a consistent data standard will help to:

  1. Improve understanding of the issues faced by deaf and disabled people in London through access to better data on the use of services and organisations.
  2. Enable high-level findings across civil society organisations of different sizes to be compared, to help inform policy and advocacy.

Working group

The first stage will be to set up a working group to discuss current equalities monitoring approaches as they relate to deaf and disabled people. Through this, the working group will identify inconsistencies or gaps in current disability data standards and discuss how these can be improved.

Whilst the working group will map out initial ideas, these ideas will be then be tested with wider user groups and final recommendations will be driven by the views of deaf and disabled people.

The working group will include people with knowledge of disability equality issues, through working within deaf and disabled people’s organisations, personal experience, or both. It will also draw in funders and data experts.

If you are interested in joining this working group or being involved in any stage of the process, please email or fill in the form below.

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