Learning Together: Discover, Develop and Connect

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Discover, Develop and Connect… 

Learning Together Autumn-Winter 21/22 is a free, flexible programme of regional learning and development activities for voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations (VCSE).

What’s on offer?

Those joining Learning Together will be offered a learning package to get them ‘social prescribing’ ready. Participants will be able to take part in a series of online workshops based on a variety of themes including sports, arts and green social prescribing.

There will also be virtual peer-to-peer shared learning sessions. The programme will be tailored based on the needs identified in the application form by participants.

Participants will be connected with a regional Thriving Communities lead, who can support new partnerships with arts, heritage, natural environment, financial wellbeing, physical activity and health & care organisations, including social prescribing link workers. These opportunities are only available through Learning Together.

What skills will I develop?

During Learning Together, you will have opportunities to:

  • Build new partnerships and network with fellow participants and organisations across sectors;
  • Share and explore challenges of your work, learn from others, and consider possible solutions;
  • Champion your work in social prescribing and supporting communities.

What to expect

Learning Together is free to join. It runs from late September and early October 2021 to March 2022. We would encourage you to join the full programme of events for you and your organisation to get the most out of it; with a commitment of at least 1-1.5 hours each month.

You can apply for a place here. The closing date is Friday 17th September. 

Discover London Plus